Ali Abdaal

Issue #18

Hello Tiny Maverick 👋 

Today, I'm going to share a story about how Ali Abdaal channelled his creativity into inspiring others!

Meet Ali Abdaal, a tiny maverick who went to school to become a doctor.

After studying for a while, he started a company to help other students at his school.

He’d help his friends prepare for important tests so they could become doctors too.

It wasn’t long before he noticed he also had a passion for teaching people on the internet.

He started making videos and talking to other inspiring people on his own podcast.

He made special classes online to teach people how to create videos like him, how to be better at school, and how to start their own businesses.

Ali is a very creative man. He is always helping people and making them happy.

He is kind and friendly to everyone he meets, and loves to share his knowledge with others.

We can all learn from Ali and channel our creativity into helping others too.

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Next Week's Tiny Maverick

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter!

✏️ This Week's Activity

YouTube Video Plan

Ali Abdaal is extremely organised. He posts lots of videos and believes it is important to have a system to plan each one so he feels prepared.

This week's activity is to plan your own YouTube video 📹 Fill in the planning sheet with details on the video you’re going to create. Remember to take a photo of your planning process and send it to us @tinymavericks so we can feature you in the newsletter!

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