Gary Vaynerchuk

Issue #3

Hello Tiny Maverick 👋

Today, I'm going to share a story about how Gary Vaynerchuk turned his love of earning pocket money into becoming a worldwide business expert.

Gary Vaynerchuk was born in a country called Belarus. But when he was very little, he and his family moved to America.

Growing up, he realised he loved earning pocket money.

He would sell flowers to his next-door neighbours and even made lemonade for people as they walked past.

One day, Gary's family decided to open a shop, and he worked there after school.

He learned that being nice to customers helped him sell more products.

After a while, his brain was full of so much knowledge that he started to share his wisdom on the internet.

People loved it and he became very famous.

Even after becoming well-known, Gary always remembered to be kind and help others.

He made it his mission to support other people’s businesses too.

His passion for starting new things inspired everyone he would meet.

Every now and then, Gary talks in front of lots of people at big events.

He used to be nervous but now he’s done it so many times, it feels natural.

He speaks about his journey, the things he has had to overcome, and the lessons he’s learned along the way.

Everyone always claps and cheers for him when he’s finished.

After the events, Gary always makes time to say thank you to his fans.

They often tell him that he’s changed their lives and inspired them to start their own businesses.

Gary's story shows that if you work hard and are kind to others, you can achieve your dreams.

If you have a passion for something, no matter how big or small, you can change the world.

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✏️ This Week's Activity

Boot Sale Bonanza!

Gary Vaynerchuk loved car boot and garage sales when he was growing up.

When he was little, he would spend every weekend finding interesting things to buy and then aimed to sell them for more money. The extra money he would make is called 'profit'.

This week's activity is to take a trip to a local car boot or garage sale. Ask a grown-up to come with you and see if you can find something cool to buy. Then try to sell it for 50p more than what you bought it for!

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